The Bible warns against gossip and slander, recognizing the damage these behaviors cause to relationships and communities. Speaking ill of others not only harms reputations but also violates God’s command to love and respect one another. These verses highlight the dangers of gossip and slander, calling believers to speak words that build up, not tear down. Here are 20 Bible verses about gossip and slander, each followed by a 50-word commentary.
Bible Verses About Gossip And Slander
1. Proverbs 16:28
“A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.”
This verse highlights the destructive power of gossip. It teaches that gossip can ruin relationships, even between close friends. Instead of spreading rumors or negative words, we are called to foster peace and unity, avoiding the division and harm that gossip causes.
2. Ephesians 4:29
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
This verse teaches that our words should be used to uplift and encourage, not harm. Gossip and slander are examples of unwholesome talk that tear people down. We are called to speak words that benefit others, reflecting Christ’s love and contributing to the growth and well-being of those around us.
3. Proverbs 11:13
“A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.”
This verse contrasts the actions of a gossip and a trustworthy person. It teaches that gossip involves betraying trust by spreading information that should be kept private. Trustworthy people protect others’ confidences, showing that loyalty and integrity are essential to maintaining healthy relationships.
4. James 1:26
“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.”
This verse emphasizes the importance of controlling our speech. It teaches that gossip and slander undermine our faith and witness. If we claim to follow Christ but fail to control our tongues, our words become empty, and our religion loses its credibility.
5. Proverbs 18:8
“The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.”
This verse illustrates how gossip can be enticing but harmful. It teaches that while gossip may seem enjoyable or entertaining, it penetrates deeply and can cause lasting damage. Once gossip is heard, it can affect our perception of others and lead to destructive consequences.
6. Leviticus 19:16
“Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.”
This verse commands us not to spread slander or engage in behavior that harms others. It teaches that slander can endanger reputations, relationships, and even lives. God values justice and righteousness, and we are called to honor Him by speaking truth and protecting others from harm.
7. James 4:11
“Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it.”
This verse teaches that slandering others goes against God’s law of love. When we speak ill of others, we take on a judgmental role that belongs to God alone. Slander disrupts unity in the church and hinders our ability to love and support one another.
8. Psalm 101:5
“Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret, I will put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, I will not tolerate.”
This verse reveals God’s attitude toward slander. It teaches that God does not tolerate those who secretly slander others or act with pride. Slander is a form of injustice, and God promises to silence those who engage in it, showing that He values truth and humility.
9. 1 Peter 2:1
“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.”
This verse calls believers to rid themselves of harmful behaviors, including slander. It teaches that slander is incompatible with the Christian life. To grow spiritually and reflect Christ, we must put away words and actions that harm others, replacing them with love and kindness.
10. Proverbs 20:19
“A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much.”
This verse advises caution around those who gossip. It teaches that people who gossip are likely to betray trust and spread harmful information. Avoiding those who engage in gossip helps protect our relationships and encourages us to surround ourselves with people who value integrity and discretion.
11. Matthew 12:36
“But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.”
This verse reminds us that we are accountable for every word we speak. It teaches that gossip and slander will not go unnoticed by God. On the day of judgment, we will answer for the careless or harmful words we have spoken, urging us to speak with care and love.
12. Titus 3:2
“To slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.”
This verse instructs believers to avoid slandering others and to be kind and gentle in their speech. It teaches that our words should promote peace, not discord. Slander is contrary to the spirit of Christ, who calls us to treat everyone with respect and consideration.
13. Colossians 3:8
“But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.”
This verse calls for the removal of all harmful speech, including slander. It teaches that slander is rooted in malice and has no place in the life of a believer. As Christians, we are called to speak words of grace and love, reflecting the character of Christ.
14. Proverbs 26:20
“Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down.”
This verse uses a metaphor to illustrate how gossip fuels conflict. It teaches that gossip is like adding wood to a fire, keeping disputes alive. By refraining from gossip, we help bring peace and resolution to conflicts, rather than stoking the flames of discord.
15. Psalm 34:13
“Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.”
This verse emphasizes the importance of controlling our speech. It teaches that avoiding gossip, slander, and lies is essential for living a righteous life. By guarding our tongues, we protect others and ourselves from the harm that evil speech can cause.
16. Exodus 23:1
“Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness.”
This verse warns against spreading false information or participating in slander. It teaches that spreading lies or supporting malicious accusations is harmful and unjust. God values truth and integrity, and we are called to uphold justice by refusing to participate in false or harmful speech.
17. Romans 1:29
“They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips.”
This verse lists gossip among other serious sins, showing the severity of the behavior. It teaches that gossip is rooted in malice and contributes to a corrupt character. Gossip is destructive and reflects a heart that is far from God’s will for righteousness and love.
18. Psalm 15:1-3
“Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one… whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor and casts no slur on others.”
This passage teaches that those who live righteously, refraining from slander, are welcome in God’s presence. It shows that slander disqualifies us from close fellowship with God, while kindness and truthfulness align us with His holiness.
19. Proverbs 10:18
“Whoever conceals hatred with lying lips and spreads slander is a fool.”
This verse connects slander with deceit and hatred. It teaches that those who spread slander are acting foolishly, concealing their hatred with lies. The Bible encourages us to speak truth and love, avoiding slander and recognizing that wisdom involves honesty and integrity in our words.
20. 2 Corinthians 12:20
“For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be… I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.”
This verse warns against behaviors that disrupt Christian community, including gossip and slander. It teaches that these actions lead to discord and division. Gossip and slander harm unity in the church, and believers are called to reject such behaviors and promote harmony and peace instead.
These Bible verses emphasize that gossip and slander have no place in the life of a believer. Our words should reflect Christ’s love, building others up rather than tearing them down. By controlling our speech and avoiding gossip, we honor God and contribute to healthy, loving relationships.
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