What does the Bible Mean By this: meaning for christ

Pastor David

bible study for you

Meaning for Christ

Definition and Meaning

The term “Christ” originates from the Greek word “Christos,” which translates to “the anointed one” or simply “Messiah.” The Hebrew equivalent is “Mashiach.” The concept of being anointed has profound implications, both politically and spiritually, as it relates to a person selected by God for a significant purpose. In Jewish tradition, kings and prophets were often anointed, signifying their divine appointment and authority.

The usage of “Christ” in relation to Jesus of Nazareth marks a pivotal shift in its meaning. While the term initially had broader implications, it has come to designate Jesus uniquely as the long-awaited Messiah foretold in the Old Testament. This evolution reflects Jesus’ role in fulfilling the prophecies associated with the coming of a savior for humanity. As John 1:41 states, “He first found his own brother Simon and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which is translated Christ).”

In English, “Christ” has retained this deep-rooted theological significance, becoming synonymous with Christian faith. Therefore, when we refer to Jesus as Christ, we acknowledge Him as the anointed one who brought spiritual salvation and hope to the world.

Historical and Cultural Context

In biblical times, the term “Messiah” conveyed the expectation of a deliverer—a role exhibited throughout the Old Testament in prophets such as Isaiah and David. As the Israelites yearned for liberation from oppression, the idea of a messianic figure grew ever more prevalent.

The key scriptural verses that foreshadow the Messiah include Isaiah 9:6, which states, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This passage exemplifies the expectation that a powerful figure would arise to lead the people.

In the New Testament, Jesus is frequently referred to as “the Christ” by His followers and is identified as the fulfillment of these Old Testament prophecies. Notable figures surrounding this narrative include Peter, who boldly proclaimed Jesus as “the Messiah” (Mark 8:29), and Paul, who expanded the understanding of Christ beyond Jewish audiences, emphasizing that Christ is a universal savior for all humanity.

Scholarly Insights

Scholars have explored the multifaceted significance of “Christ.” Dr. N.T. Wright emphasizes, “The early Christians believed that God had chosen Jesus, not only to be king over Israel, but to be king over the whole world.” This notion is foundational, suggesting that “Christ” symbolizes a transformative force that extends divine kingship beyond the nation of Israel.

Moreover, biblical scholar Craig A. Evans notes, “For early Christians, Jesus’ death and resurrection were the events that ultimately defined who he was, marking him as the long-awaited Messiah.” Evans highlights that the implications of Jesus as the Christ encompass ideas of redemption, hope, and grace that continue to resonate today.

In his theological writings, Karl Barth expressed the centrality of Jesus Christ for Christian faith: “The name of Jesus Christ is the most significant name that has ever been given to a human being throughout the history of governance, recognition, and moral order.” This underscores the ongoing reverberating significance of Jesus as the Christ, asserting His role in shaping not just spiritual beliefs but cultural and ethical norms.

Biblical References

The New Testament clearly establishes the relationship between Jesus and the title “Christ.” In acts of His ministry, such as the healing of the sick, or the feeding of the thousands, His actions reflect the true essence of the “anointed one.” In Matthew 1:16, the genealogy of Jesus concludes with the designation of “the Christ,” solidifying His messianic identity.

Additionally, Romans 1:4 states that Jesus was “declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.” This powerful affirmation ties the concept of Christ closely to the resurrection, which stands as the foundation of Christian hope.

Another significant passage can be found in Revelation 1:8, where Jesus is referred to as “the Alpha and the Omega,” articulating His eternal presence and significance in the universe. He is not merely a historical figure but a living Christ who continues to impact the lives of believers today.

Spiritual or Practical Application

Understanding the significance of “Christ” can have profound implications for our faith and daily lives. First and foremost, recognizing Jesus as the Christ reminds us that we are connected to a narrative of hope and grace. Belief in Jesus as the anointed one affirms that we are invited into a loving relationship with God, where we can rely on His guidance and support through life’s challenges.

Practically, living with the awareness of Jesus as Christ can shape our behavior towards others. As followers, we are called to embody Christ-like attributes in our interactions—extending mercy, forgiveness, and compassion. Just as Christ brought healing and solace, we too can be vessels of His love in our communities.

Moreover, regularly engaging with Scripture can deepen our understanding of His nature as Christ. This study enables us to uncover the layers of His significance, allowing us to embrace His role as both our savior and guide. Our worship, prayer, and service to others become acts that honor and reflect Jesus as the Christ.

Finally, the recognition of Christ as the universal savior invites us to look beyond ourselves. It encourages us to share the message of His love and redemption with those around us, reminding us that His anointing is for everyone and not limited by geographical or cultural boundaries.


The term “Christ” encapsulates a wealth of meaning central to the Christian faith. Rooted in the rich traditions of both the Old and New Testaments, it signifies God’s anointed one who not only fulfilled ancient prophecies but continues to offer hope and salvation to the world.

As we delve into the historical context and scholarly insights, it becomes clear that the significance of “Christ” transcends time and culture. Early Christians recognized Jesus’ identity as the anointed one, tying together the threads of faith and expectation that spanned generations, culminating in His life, death, and resurrection.

Ultimately, it’s vital for us to internalize what it means to call Jesus “the Christ.” It urges us to reflect His love and compassion in our daily lives, while also reminding us of the hope that His anointing offers not just to us individually but to all of humanity. We are charged with the beautiful task of embodying Christ’s message of love and redemption in our actions and relationships, enriching both our lives and the community around us as we walk in the light of His grace.

Final Thoughts

In our exploration of the meaning of “Christ,” we’ve uncovered its roots in ancient scripture, showing how it signifies anointed leadership and divine purpose. This understanding takes us on a journey from the prophetic expressions found in the Old Testament to the powerful affirmations and experiences of early Christians.

We see that Jesus embodies the promise of hope and salvation, fulfilling the long-anticipated role of the Messiah. This isn’t just a historical concept; it’s alive and relevant today, reminding us that we are called to live in His love and share that love with others.

As we embrace Jesus as the Christ, let us reflect on how His life and teachings can shape our actions and elevate our relationships. We are privileged to be part of a higher calling, where we serve others, extending grace just as He has extended grace to us.

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